Stumpage Reports

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 :::
Quiz Time: Band Names From the Psychedelic Sixties, OR: Titles of Richard Brautigan Poems? Answers below.

1. The Crab Cometh Forth

2. The Electric Rectum

3. The Octopus Frontier

4. The Charging Tyrannosaurus of Despair

5. Affectionate Light Bulb

6. The Potato House of Julius Ceasar

7. The Peanut Butter Conspiracy

8. Private Eye Lettuce

9. Automatic Anthole

10. Ultimate Spinach


1. The Crab Cometh Forth: Band

2. The Electric Rectum: Band

3. The Octopus Frontier: Poem

4. The Charging Tyrannosaurus of Despair: Band

5. Affectionate Light Bulb: Poem

6. The Potato House of Julius Ceasar: Poem

7. The Peanut Butter Conspiracy: Band (Their first album was called "The Peanut Butter Conspiracy is Spreading")
8. Private Eye Lettuce: Poem

9. Automatic Anthole: Poem

10. Ultimate Spinach: Band

Appendix A: Some Brautigan Poem Titles That Did Not Make Into the Quiz:

The Sidney Greenstreet Blues

Horse Child Breakfast

General Custer versus the Titanic

Lyrical Want, an Endocrine Gland Fancy

Alarm-Colored Shadow of a Frightened Ant

Curiously Young Like a Fresh-Dug Grave

(I could go on like this all day, I love this guy's titles, his poems are good too.)

Appendix B: Some Bands That Didn't Make the Cut:

The Electric Prunes

Strawberry Alarm Clock

Moby Grape

Quote of the Day: (keeping with the rock-n-roll mood)

Rolling Stones' guitarist Keith Richards on country-rock pioneer Gram Parsons:

"Gram knew songs that I'd forgotten or had never known. He introduced me to a lot of players, and he showed me the difference between the way country would be played in Nashville and in Bakersfield -- the two schools -- with a completely different sound and attitude. But apart from that he was just a very special guy. He was my mate, and I wish he'd remained my mate for a lot longer. It's not often you can lie around on bed with a guy having cold turkey, in tandem, and still get along."

--- According to the Rolling Stones, p.155.

::: posted by tom at 11:20 AM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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