Stumpage Reports

Thursday, January 15, 2004 :::
Another Weird-Ass Newspaper Story: (complete with a totally lame attempt to justify slavery)

DIED OF LOCK-JAW. -- A small colored boy, the property of Wm. P. Moore, Esq., aged about 10 years, died in this town, on Wednesday last, from lock jaw. He was a very sprightly little fellow, very intelligent, and quite a favorite in Mr. Moore's family. His death resulted from a small splinter entering the foot. It was not known until a very short time before his death that anything was the matter. After his condition was discovered, everything was done that it was possible to do, but to no purpose.

The boys remains were deposited in their last resting place on Thursday evening, and if Harriet Beecher Stowe and her pious brother, Henry, could have arrived at the Gaston House at 7 o'clock, as we did, and have seen Mr. Moore's servants returning from the burial and enter the house in procession, they would possibly have , in future, more sympathy for the white servants in Northern latitudes, and less for the poor slaves of the South. We have never seen such a respectable looking procession attend the remains of a white servant to their last resting place, in the North.

--- North Carolina Standard, Raleigh, August 11, 1858, reprinted from the New Bern Daily Progress.

Coming Soon ...

"Poisonous Properties of Guano" and "Fearful Accident - A Horse Dragging a Dead Body Three Weeks."

Quote of the Day:

I'm well into the third volume of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and I finally noticed something worthy of a "Quote of the Day":

"But the next day there came no dawn, and the Grey Company passed on into the darkness of the Storm of Mordor and were lost to mortal sight; but the Dead followed them."

::: posted by tom at 10:09 AM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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