Stumpage Reports

Wednesday, December 03, 2003 :::
Lord of the Geeks

I know I'm a little late for the nerd-fest in the comments section of a recent post by James, but last night I finished watching The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers on DVD and had a few observations on the movie. I'm not even close to being a Tolkien geek. I've read the books twice and probably will again after the third movie, and did not even see the second movie in the theaters.

1. The scenery was stunning.

2. They did a hell of a job on Golem.

3. Merry and Pippin come across as a couple of semi-useless goofs, I'm not sure if that was the case in the books.

4. I don't think its possible to do an Ent on film without having it look stupid.

5. As far as the Faramir character not being treated right in the film, I was hard pressed to remember who in the hell that was until he showed up in the movie.

6. Everytime they showed the fires of Mordor looming on the horizon, I couldn't help but think of one of my favorite Tolkien illustrations: The End of All Things by Michael Whelan.

History Shmistory:

Yesterday at work I found a Confederate Pension Record for a soldier named Henry Henry Henry.

::: posted by tom at 12:01 PM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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