Stumpage Reports

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 :::
Fun At Work

This morning my supervisor and I stood at two photocopiers for about 2 hours, copied old wills and estates records, and blabbed about the Civil War the whole time. And I'm actually getting paid to do this?

In Fact, I'm Getting Paid More to Do This...

Last week I got a promotion at work. That's pretty good if I do say so myself, after only four weeks on the job. I had applied for a "better" job at the same institution before I got the present job. After thinking about it, I didn't want the "better" job, it had a better title, but only a little more money and a lot more public service. What they ended up doing was giving me the better job, a big fat raise, and a working less Saturdays schedule. However, they switched the job descriptions, so I'm doing the same thing I was doing last week, only getting paid more and now I'm a real Archivist and not a Processing Assistant.

Last spring I was almost in tears, sending out resumes and not hearing a peep. Its nice when things fall into place like this. There was no political maneuvering or backstabbing involved. I was oblivious. I just showed up and did a good job.

Random Drexel University Student Blog of the Day:

Let's Talk Humanities

::: posted by tom at 12:59 PM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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