Stumpage Reports

Friday, November 21, 2003 :::
A Famous History Nerd

I actually got to see a famous history nerd last night. Being a fledgling history nerd myself, it was nice to see someone get some recognition.

Ann and James came into town to attend the Sarah Vowell lecture at NCSU's Stewart Theatre.

We had dinner at the Dalat Oriental Restaurant where we met some folks, including a few of James' blog buddies: Pinkie, Jackie, Tracy, and some people who don't have blogs. I'm sure I had read their blogs before, having surfed through James' links a couple times. Now I'll try to visit once in awhile and recall how I met that person briefly across the table at a Vietmanese restaurant.

I haven't read that much Sarah Vowell, but she read one of my favorite essays where she talks about the absurdity and surreality of the town of Salem marketing the witchcraft trials. Her rant against the term "enslaved africans" was worth the price of admission.

One thing she said that grated on my soul like fingers on a chalkboard: Sarah was talking about the PBS series History Detectives and mentioned how it might be boring seeing historians in an archive leafing through papers. Thats fine and true, then she said "Something exciting will happen like a librarian will walk in with a roll of microfilm." Sorry, ma'am, that would be an archivist.

Another good visit from Ann, with James thrown in as a bonus. Lots of good conversation and some iced lattes at Cup A Joe.

See Pinky's blog for a version of the evening's events. We did not stick around for the meet and greet, or get offered a roll of braided bread.

::: posted by tom at 10:40 AM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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