Stumpage Reports

Thursday, November 13, 2003 :::
The Death Penalty Sucks

I've recently been realizing how unfair the death penalty is applied in this country. It seems pretty obvious to me the rich folks with pricey lawyers don't get executed.

The local weekly has been making a big stink lately about the fact North Carolina has executed five people since last August with number six scheduled to go this Friday morning. I guess having a governor who is a former attorney general doesn't make the chances of executive clemency look too likely.

This article pissed me off enough to mention it in my blog.

Did You Know Department:

In 2002, 81 percent of all executions took place in China, Iran, and the United States. Aren't we in great company?

Seven countries since 1990 are known to have executed prisoners who were under 18 years old at the time of the crime - Congo (Democratic Republic), Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,Yemen, and the United States. The country which carried out the greatest number of known executions of child offenders was the United States (17 since 1990).


Amnesty International and the death penalty.

Human Rights Watch World Report 2003.

that's it, a rare, socially and politically semi-conscious blog post from Chavez. Hopefully tomorrow a nice little essay on kids climbing on a statue in front of the capital building.

Speaking of a Death Penalty...

Today its been all Civil War, all the time, which is just fine with me. I'm looking through the troop roster books and the pension application files for folks doing genealogy research or looking to join the U.D.C. or the S.C.V.

I said yesterday, its fun finding records of folks who were loyalists during the American Revolution. When doing Civil War stuff, its almost as fun to find a record for someone that says "Listed as a deserter and dropped from the rolls of the Company," or its really great when I find one that indicates the guy deserted and joined the Yankee army.

::: posted by tom at 11:33 AM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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