Stumpage Reports

Saturday, January 04, 2003 :::
You Just Kinda Wasted My Precious Time: or, So Many Dumb Things to Do

Time wasting stuff keeps piling up and class starts in five days. As I mentioned earlier, killing hours at a time with the new Age of Mythology game.

Finished the Robert McCammon book and also the Peter Benchley. I just started a new (new to me at least), book by Stephen King, From a Buick 8. Yeah, its another haunted car book, but it looks like fun.

I also have a bunch of new Confederate Monument information to assimilate and hopefully tomorrow I will go to the library and hit the old newspapers looking for more.

Sleeping, doing the laundry, lunch with She Who Shall Not Be Named, went into work today because I felt like it. Oh why do I have to go to class and/or work for a living?

Quote of the Day: or, Why I Love Stephen King's Writing So Much:

This is a great example of King cramming enough material in one paragraph that would justify at least three different short stories. Also his great backwoods characters, cheesy but vivid metaphors, brand names, and something just a little bit gross.

"In 1979, the Jenny station at the intersection of SR 32 and the Humboldt Road was still open, but it was staggering badly; OPEC took all the little 'uns out in the end. The mechanic and owner was Herbert "Hugh" Bossey, and on that particular day he was over in Lassburg, getting his teeth looked after -- a bear for his Snickers bars and RC Colas was Hugh Bossey. NO MECH ON DUTY BECAUSE OF TOOTH-AKE, said the sign taped in the window of the garage bay. The pump-jockey was a high school dropout named Bradley Roach, barely out of his teens. This fellow, twenty-two years and untold thousands of beers later, would come along and kill the father of a boy who was not then born, crushing him against the side of a Freuhof box, turning him like a spindle, unrolling him like a noisemaker, spinning him almost skinless into the weeds, and leaving his bloody clothes inside-out on the highway like a magic trick. But all that is in the yet-to-be."

---- Stephen King, From A Buick 8

::: posted by tom at 9:51 PM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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