Stumpage Reports

Tuesday, January 21, 2003 :::
Why Did God Make Kittens So Cute?:, or Shit!

Today when I was having my morning coffee I heard a cat crying outside. That was a little unusual since there are not pets allowed where I live, and I rarely see stray cats. Later, I went outside to have a cigarette and curled up on the cold, wet, cement stairs was the cutest, friendliest, gray, small cat / large kitten. It purred and rubbed my legs as I sat there and smoked.

When I left about a half hour later to have lunch with She Who Shall Not Be Named, I went down a different staircase so I wouldn't have to look at it.

I came back home about five hours later and the little guy was still there, and it was getting colder.

I ended up calling my parents, and they said "bring it over." He settled right in, scoped out their condo, then plopped down on the couch to lick its butt. The cat will stay at their house for a couple days. I put up some signs around where I live in case it belongs to somebody. Normally, I could put something like that out of my mind, but it was so damn cold and the poor little thing hung out on the stairs all day.

If no one calls or my folks can't find a house for it, I guess we'll have to take it to the pound. If I had my own place I'd adopt the little fella in a second. When I graduate, get a job (I hope) and move, I might have to get me a cat.

Other Stuff:

If you want to see a kitten that is so cute you will either fall in love or puke, click here.

Here's the Comic Book Bondage Cover of the Day.

Quote of the Day:

Lee asked his advice on artillery support. Longstreet gave it quietly. They rode back down the line. A quietness was beginning to settle over the field. The sun was rising toward noon. They came back toward Longstreet's line. Lee said, "Well, we have left nothing undone. It is all in the hands of God."

Longstreet thought: it isn't God that is sending those men up that hill.

--- Michael Shaara, The Killer Angels

::: posted by tom at 9:02 PM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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