Stumpage Reports

Monday, January 27, 2003 :::
Hookworm Statistics: or, The Rest of the Best

Here is the last of my current stash of racist, goofball, and gross old time headlines from the Raleigh News and Observer. These are all from 1900 to about 1912.

Stabbed to Death. He put his arm around my neck and drove the blade into my body, said the Woman as she lay dying.

A Fatal Despair. Maddened mother shoots herself thro' heart.

Bigamist is Gone.

Baptists Leave Problem to God. He will take care of the Negro Question.

Died From Drug On A Flying Train. Negro Suspected.

Sink Of Iniquity. Horrible Conditions in Insane Asylum.

Bomb In Pocket. Workman Stumbles and is blown to atoms.

Negro Crazy For A Row. He got it alright -- Began shooting, got chased into a wheatfield & nearly out of the world.

Impudent Negro Says He'd Rather Go To Pen Than on Road Gang.

Reading: (selected chapters)

MARC Manual: Understanding and Using MARC by Deborah J. Byrne. (This book makes me want to disembowel myself and hang myself with my own intestines.)

Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts by Frederic Miller.

Providing Reference Services for Archives and Manuscripts by Mary Jo Pugh.

Quotes of the Day:

"In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning."

--- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Crack-Up

"It made me very happy to see how your journalism stands up as prose and I read the book until three o'clock in the morning. That was the mystic hour that haunted Scott. It always seemed to me the best hour of the night once you had accepted insomnia and no longer worried about your sins."

--- Ernest Hemingway to Edmund Wilson, November 8, 1952.

::: posted by tom at 10:23 PM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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