Stumpage Reports

Tuesday, December 10, 2002 :::
A Day in the Life of a Grad Student: or My God, He Sure is Desperate For Material

8:00 AM Roll out of bed and start the coffee. Turn on the TV to see what Paula Zahn is wearing and to make sure George Bush isn't planning to blow up the world today.

8:15 to 10:00 AM Coffee, cigarettes, checking other folks blogs, reading Charlotte and Raleigh papers on the internet. I get curious exactly what Trent Lott said at a party for Strom "Don't Pass an Anti-Lynching Law" Thurmond that pissed so many people off. After checking both NC papers and the Washington Post, I finally found it in the Columbia, SC newspaper. I'm too lazy right now to link to all that, find your own racist republican remarks. I also read some pages from a mindless techno-thriller.

10:00 to 10:15 AM Brunch: toasted cheese sandwiches (2), a bowl o'honeydew melon balls, and the crumbs from the bottom of a bag of nacho chips.

11:00 AM to 2:30 PM Down at the State Archives, doing a little side research job some lawyers in Colorado are paying me for. Looking through such exciting government records as the Mine & Quarry Division: Annual Production Reports, 1956-1973 and N.C. Geological Survery: Quarterly Reports, 1949-1973. Pretty boring stuff but some of the easiest money I ever made since I stopped selling drugs. While waiting for lackeys to fetch the materials and make copies for me, I thumb through some different guides to the Colonial Records at the Archives. I was checking to see if they had original copies of some stuff I was going to have to quote secondhand in a paper for Colonial History class, no luck, but I love looking through stuff like that.

2:45 to 3:30 PM Stop at haircut place but the wait is 45 minutes, fuck it. I hate getting my haircut anyway. Off to the public library to print off a copy of a big ass project due tomorrow. At the library I see She Who Shall Not Be Named and catch up with her. I also run into University of Virginia Debutante Girl from school and catch up with her and trade a few Doc Smith stories.

3:45 to 4:00 PM On the phone with the N.C. Division of Mineral Resources, doing research for above job.

4:00 to 10:00 PM I get within one paragraph of finishing a five-paper due tomorrow and tweak the endnotes on my big ass project due tomorrow. Very painstaking and head and teeth ache inducing. All interrupted by a few cigarettes and some surfing.

Now: Blogging while some soup bubbles on the stove. I'm gonna get off this damn computer and read a mindless paperback techno-thriller until John Stewart comes on at 11:00 PM.

If I do posts like this one often I am in big trouble.

::: posted by tom at 10:11 PM

I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through...


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